Interesting things I found along the way-you never know.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Traumatized Hand # 17


From a right-handed mystery writer

Here We Go Again!!!
          Not only do I have a bad thumb with Lefty, but Righty also made my right thumb get trigger finger too!! I can't believe that Righty would be so jealous!! You'd think Righty would be happy that it's doing so much better.
          Saw the doctor today, gave me cortisone shots in both thumbs and a brace for Lefty. While I was there, I mentioned to him that Righty has been getting numb and tingly in the middle three fingers. He looked at Righty and announced, "It could be coming from your neck. Or it could be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome."
          Oh great, I go in with both thumbs bothering me and the doctor gave me a pain in my neck and/or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!
What's with that?
          This is becoming rather frustrating, one thing gets better then another thing or two crops up and makes everything hurt...again. Now I have to see another doctor for possible neck "dysfunction".

          Refrigerator is enjoying this so much it developed mold on the bottom, a real smelly one at that.  Apparently, it thought I'd have to clean it up. Well, I fooled it! My husband cleaned it up and he was rather aggressive with it too. Serves Refrigerator right!!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Traumatized Hand #16

From a right-handed mystery writer
Righty is almost good

          So-o-o, Righty is doing much better. I can now make a fist (closed hand-finger to palm) but not ready to squeeze tightly.  This is a vast improvement from when I started 4 weeks ago. I can type about 20 minutes, give or take a few minutes before fatigue begins to rear its ugly head. Righty has been having more fatigue than pain. My Occupational therapist said it's a good thing.
          My new exercises, for Righty, include strengthening and playing with putty. Actually, it is a lot of fun sitting at home with my fingers in the purple stuff,
          One more week and I can get relief for Lefty's thumb. It's been a real trial dealing with something that seems to have no future relief. The therapist and doctor are suggesting surgery on Lefty to remove the inflamed tissue. Not looking forward to another surgery this year. I just had one in March with Righty!

          Refrigerator has been keeping a close eye on Lefty. After all, they were in cahoots a while back. It's probably trying to figure out if Lefty is still interested. Since I have been babying/caring for Lefty, it's not had a need or want to stray for attention. Too bad Refrigerator