Interesting things I found along the way-you never know.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Traumatized Hand # 17


From a right-handed mystery writer

Here We Go Again!!!
          Not only do I have a bad thumb with Lefty, but Righty also made my right thumb get trigger finger too!! I can't believe that Righty would be so jealous!! You'd think Righty would be happy that it's doing so much better.
          Saw the doctor today, gave me cortisone shots in both thumbs and a brace for Lefty. While I was there, I mentioned to him that Righty has been getting numb and tingly in the middle three fingers. He looked at Righty and announced, "It could be coming from your neck. Or it could be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome."
          Oh great, I go in with both thumbs bothering me and the doctor gave me a pain in my neck and/or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!
What's with that?
          This is becoming rather frustrating, one thing gets better then another thing or two crops up and makes everything hurt...again. Now I have to see another doctor for possible neck "dysfunction".

          Refrigerator is enjoying this so much it developed mold on the bottom, a real smelly one at that.  Apparently, it thought I'd have to clean it up. Well, I fooled it! My husband cleaned it up and he was rather aggressive with it too. Serves Refrigerator right!!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Traumatized Hand #16

From a right-handed mystery writer
Righty is almost good

          So-o-o, Righty is doing much better. I can now make a fist (closed hand-finger to palm) but not ready to squeeze tightly.  This is a vast improvement from when I started 4 weeks ago. I can type about 20 minutes, give or take a few minutes before fatigue begins to rear its ugly head. Righty has been having more fatigue than pain. My Occupational therapist said it's a good thing.
          My new exercises, for Righty, include strengthening and playing with putty. Actually, it is a lot of fun sitting at home with my fingers in the purple stuff,
          One more week and I can get relief for Lefty's thumb. It's been a real trial dealing with something that seems to have no future relief. The therapist and doctor are suggesting surgery on Lefty to remove the inflamed tissue. Not looking forward to another surgery this year. I just had one in March with Righty!

          Refrigerator has been keeping a close eye on Lefty. After all, they were in cahoots a while back. It's probably trying to figure out if Lefty is still interested. Since I have been babying/caring for Lefty, it's not had a need or want to stray for attention. Too bad Refrigerator

Friday, October 26, 2018

Traumatized Hand Blog #16


From a right-handed mystery writer

Righty is almost good

          So-o-o, Righty is doing much better. I can now make a fist (closed hand-finger to palm) but not ready to squeeze tightly.  This is a vast improvement from when I started 4 weeks ago. I can type about 20 minutes, give or take a few minutes before fatigue begins to rear its ugly head. Righty has been having more fatigue than pain. My Occupational therapist said it's a good thing.
          My new exercises, for Righty, include strengthening and playing with putty. Actually, it is a lot of fun sitting at home with my fingers in the purple stuff,
          One more week and I can get relief for Lefty's thumb. It's been a real trial dealing with something that seems to have no future relief. The therapist and doctor are suggesting surgery on Lefty to remove the inflamed tissue. Not looking forward to another surgery this year. I just had one in March with Righty!

          Refrigerator has been keeping a close eye on Lefty. After al they were in cahoots a while back. It's probably trying to figure out if Lefty is still interested. Since I have been babying/caring for Lefty, it's not had a need or want to stray for attention. Too bad Refrigerator

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Traumatized Hand Blog # 15

From a right-handed mystery writer

Revenge of the Ice Box

          Finally, I'm getting the upper hand. For weeks I've been dealing with my thumbs and right hand. I have been coping well, making adjustments to my daily activities and with help from my sister and husband, laundry and cooking are coming along. I'm driving short tips with no trouble steering. So I've been ignoring Refrigerator and it's been ignoring me, just the way I like it.
          I'm typing for short spurts and got back to writing our next mystery novel.  I'm back to swimming 3-4 times a week. So life has been sailing along, almost back to normal for most things.
          Well! Refrigerator has been rather quiet the last 3 weeks. I wasn't worried too much about it since life is getting back to normal (no traveling this year. though)

          I was maneuvering my car into the garage-which I have done millions of times. But for some reason, I overcorrected and messed up my right fender- car vs side of the garage.
          The Refrigerator- it planned this for weeks. That's why it's been so quiet all this time. The nerve of it. I feel revenge beginning to boil up within me, I must retaliate! Now!
          But how?

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Traumatized Hand Blog #14


From a right-handed mystery writer

The Medicare Puzzle

          Lefty's thumb injection of cortisone only lasted 48 hours. Little or no relief past the 2 day weekend. I spoke to my Occupational Therapist who is working with my Righty, she suggested a thumb splint.
          After several phone calls and an act of God, I got the order from the doctor (who left town) for Occupational Therapy and a splint to keep Lefty's thumb joint stable thus relieving severe pain.
          I proudly presented it to my therapist only to find out they can't do the splint until I have finished with Righty's therapy
          "So I'm supposed to stay in pain for another 4 weeks?"
          "What can I say, that's Medicare at its best," she replied.
She gave me several helpful suggestions while I wait for Medicare, i.e. cold compresses, an over the counter thumb splint, etc. They give relief to Lefty's thumb as long as they are on, cold and the splint. But they don't help during normal daily activities.

          I am really getting irritated with Refrigerator. It mocks me more and more. I can't pass by it without some cold stare, never, never,  warming up to what I am going through, CAUSED BY IT. Someday, I don't know when I will get my revenge!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Traumatized Hand Blog#13

From a right-handed mystery writer
TRIGGER THUMB Unbelievable!!

          Lefty was not feeling well at all, in fact, Lefty was hurting rather badly around my thumb. I called the doctor and said,  "Lefty is really sick!!" I made an appointment for 3 days, (on a cancellation).
          The doctor sat down, moved Lefty's thumb twice, causing excruciating pain and announced, "You have Trigger Thumb."

          Immediately I wanted to say, "But I haven't  shot anyone...well lately in my books." I was able to keep my mouth shut, (It wasn't easy). He went on to explain it in long and big words. In essence, it's like a trick knee in my thumb. But popping my thumb in place doesn't work.
          He gave me a Cortisone shot in my thumb which hurt worse than the original pain.
           "What causes Trigger Thumb?" I asked.
           He shrugged, "Don't know, but it's fairly common ."
          "Could it be from overworking Lefty since Righty has been out of commission for a while?"
          "Don't know," he replied."
          In the injection, he included Lidocaine for pain. So my thumb felt numb and prickly like it had a root canal.

          I could swear Refrigerator is smirking at me, all day long.  The cold, ridge, dark smirk that could get nasty.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Traumatized Hand Blog #12


From a right-handed mystery writer

New beginning
          My right hand is doing rather well! Typing now for 15 minutes at a stretch. My hand feels tired but no pain. I use an egg timer to be sure I don't go over the time allowed to type. I've begun our next Skylar Drake Murder Mystery, Game Town (temporary title).

          After several weeks of intense range of motion therapy, I can almost make a fist but only with little resistance (still no squeezing). I can do most chores around the house except for chopping foods and lifting heavy items, i.e. laundry hampers, grocery bags, etc.
           I've been busy with our new book, and working on my hand therapy, basically ignoring Refrigerator.  Lefty has been feeling ignored and looks for avenues to get my attention. Why Lefty actually felt pain in its thumb all week, maybe it's trying to get my attention... it worked. I used heat on Lefty's thumb and massaged it. Lefty seemed to feel better. At least Lefty isn't plotting with Refrigerator for some type of revenge. You just can't be too careful with these cold, rigid, aloof edifices like Refrigerator.  And I noticed it's been very quiet this week. Not sure what's up.
          After several weeks of intense range of motion therapy, I can almost make a fist but only with little resistance (still no squeezing). I can do most chores around the house except for chopping foods and lifting heavy items, i.e. laundry hampers, grocery bags, etc.

           I've been busy with our new book, and working on my hand therapy, basically ignoring Refrigerator.  Lefty has been feeling ignored and looks for avenues to get my attention. Why Lefty actually felt pain in its thumb all week, maybe it's trying to get my attention... it worked. I used heat on Lefty's thumb and massaged it. Lefty seemed to feel better. At least Lefty isn't plotting with Refrigerator for some type of revenge. You just can't be too careful with these cold, rigid, aloof edifices like Refrigerator.  And I noticed it's been very quiet this week. Not sure what's up.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Traumatized Hand #11

From a right-handed mystery writer
Continued Occupational Therapy

          I've been receiving OT for two weeks. Righty is feeling better with less pain and less swelling. Still unable to do many household chores but slowly getting a few things done i.e. folding clothes, washing dishes, sorting laundry, etc. I call them simple but necessary chores. I am able to type 15 minutes without fatigue and pain in my right hand.
          I work with my new OT twice a week including, warm paraffin wax soaks, juggling metal Chinese balls in one hand, putting pegs in a mat, and electrical stimulation with icing. It seems to be working
          My home program consists of alternating hot and ice water soaks, and specific range of motion exercises. Unfortunately, this home program takes up a lot of my day, but it's worth it for better use of my right hand.

          Lefty is getting tired of helping with most of the chores and has been indiscriminately talking with Refrigerator more often. I know this because Refrigerator occasionally disguises itself, but I know a cold-hearted job when I see one. I need to figure out a way of getting rid of Refrigerator before Lefty has swung to the other side and it's too late.
          I found some moldy green bread in the back of the refrigerator. I know it was Refrigerator's doing. Imagine ruining two innocent pieces of bread still in their lovely package!!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Traumatized Hand #10


From a right-handed mystery writer

The search for another Occupational Therapist

          I started Occupational Therapy with another group, the therapist is much better, spends at least 20 minutes with me at the beginning and checks in with me at the end. Her Certified Occupational Assistant (COTA) is extremely knowledgeable.
          She said the exercises I was doing were too advanced for someone 3.5 weeks post surgery and switched the exercises. No wonder why I was in constant pain day and night!  Therapy is now focused on riding me of several sprained muscles and range of motion.  I'm trying hard to get my right hand working again. I can now type for 8 minutes without pain, do dishes by hand in warm water, and fold clothes. I am also icing my hand more often than previously.

          Left and Righty are exhausted after each set of exercises at home. I'm also icing Righty more often which is decreasing the swelling and pain.
          At this point, I honestly do not think refrigerator gets the misery it has caused me. It just moves on with its job and relaxes at night. It just moves on with its life as if nothing has happened. Totally unaware of my pain and time I spend trying to get my right-hand functioning again. Refrigerator is so unfeeling, I don't remember how I got involved with it in the first place.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Traumatized Hand #9

From a right-handed mystery writer

Saw the Doctor for third post op

          The doctor examined my hand.  He felt my ability to move my hand (make a fist without tension, third finger movement side to side and up and down, and wrist flexibility) were coming along nicely. However, because of constant pain in my entire hand, he felt I had an overall sprained hand.
          I explained that I was unhappy with my Occupational  Therapist and was looking for another. I showed him my exercises and therapy plan from my current Occupational Therapist. He said that they were too strenuous for being so recent post op and agreed I should find another therapist.
          I only had 4 treatments with this therapist which had I continued with him It would have been detrimental to my hand. I am so glad I stopped seeing him 2 weeks ago. Looking forward to starting with a new OT.
          The doctor suggested I stop all exercises and alternate heat and cold treatment for a few days while I am waiting to be seen by the new therapist.

          I feel like punching out the Refrigerator with my good left hand, but then I'd have to have surgery on Lefty! So Lefty has been trying to convince me to let it go for now. Righty is really upset but is now taking it in stride, "So... what else could go wrong?"

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Traumatized Hand #8


From a right-handed mystery writer

Not Happy
          I am very unhappy with the way my therapy has been going. I've had one evaluation and four treatments so far. The therapist is not listening to me and really doesn't seem to understand what I need. He is more focused on scheduling 6 people an hour and servicing all six at the same time plus take business calls, (He manages the practice).
          It's not that I want individual attention 100% of the time. I just want him to review my exercises and make sure I am doing them correctly.  Also,  I've been getting numbness and "tingly" sensation in two fingers. He can't seem to figure out why. All I get is, "I don't know", and he heads off to the next patient.
          Then I find out that the therapist is also the manager and director of the hand clinic. Now it makes sense that he is more concerned about money, and profits than his patients.
          I've decided to see a different Occupational Therapist. I'll call my physician and get another referral.
          Lefty has been very supportive of Righty and unhappy with the therapist. Righty has to remind Lefty to be polite otherwise Lefty would punch him in the nose. Whereas Lefty was content with giving the therapist raspberries every time I went in for treatment.

          Meanwhile, the refrigerator stands there and continues to be cold, silent and rigid. I choose to ignore its indifference and continue with my healing.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Traumatized hand #7

From a right-handed mystery writer

Occupational Therapy
          Nine o'clock Monday morning the long-awaited Occupational Therapy (OT) began. The OT did the evaluation and taught me exercises to improve strength in my hand, wrist, and forearm.
          It hurt like the dickens but the heat and cold relieved a lot of the pain during therapy. As a retired Speech Therapist I understand the patience it takes to work on muscles and ligaments that have been immobile for a while. I came home with a list of exercises for Righty. Now, Lefty is feeling left out since Righty was directed to attempt more activities, i.e., dishwashing, folding clothes, driving etc.

          So, instead of moping around, Lefty is helping Righty with strengthening exercises in spite of the disparaging looks Refrigerator is giving it.

          While spending more time in the kitchen, Refrigerator stands firm, fixed to the floor, now with a sharpened stare, focused as always on its next move, it's next attack. If I had only thought to take pictures of the attack when it happened I could use it to barter...maybe even for protection money!  After all, something bad could happen to that Icebox...y'know?

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Traumatized hand #6

From a right-handed mystery writer

The Bands
          After another ten days, I saw the doctor. He announced that it looked good, "Now time to move onto therapy."  Hurrah!

          He gave me what he called a Buddy Band to hold the two involved fingers together. My hand felt free, finally. Even though the two fingers were tied together, it felt wonderful.
          I had already asked around and found an Occupational Therapist (OT) who was a Certified Hand Therapist and made an appointment for the following Monday. (Yes, even before the doctor told me to do so).
          The doctor also warned that the exercises the OT would give me would be painful but to stick with it. Good encouragement?

          The next 4 four days Lefty, Righty and me had several conversations regarding the need for both hands to work together. I specifically had many of these conversations in front of the refrigerator. To provoke it into anger, to challenge it into a knockdown fight to prove its guilt. Yet it's defying, stiff, stand never wavered.
          These four days waiting for OT to begin are long, and I'm bit apprehensive.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Traumatized hand #5

From a right-handed mystery writer

The Brace

          After ten days of the splint, I saw the doctor.  he removed the five stitches and gave me a brace. It was custom made to fit my swollen hand and very comfortable if I say so myself. I was warned by the doctor, nurse and brace maker to go lightly on my two fingers that were involved. "No typing, meal preparation, dishes or anything that will cause the newly repaired tissue to separate,"they explained in so many words.

          Both hands were present and they heard the warning. Yet slowly the fingers and wrist of my right side began to move,  just a little at a time but got stronger with each day. The wound was fresh and painful at times but the swelling decreasing by the day. Lefty also continued to grow stronger and more efficient. My right wrist was unable to move from being in one position for ten days.  All of the muscles in my hand, wrist, and forearm lacked tone and strength. Righty convinced Lefty to help with wrist exercises and slowly both worked to improve Righty's wrist movements.

          The refrigerator did not like what it saw and jeered at the cooperation among the hands. Divide and conquer was not going to work for Refrigerator so he started plotting more cunning ways to taunt me, all the while maintaining its unyielding stance of mockery to my injury.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Traumatized hand #4

From a right-handed mystery writer

The Splint

          On the fifth day, I started to wean myself off the pain pills but remained primarily in bed. I was told to keep my hand and elbow above my heart to decrease the swelling. It was easier to do by laying down and propping up my elbow and hand with pillows than walking around with my hand resting on top of my head and elbow above my heart!!

          When I was well enough to walk around I peered into the kitchen, the refrigerator saw me but it remained aloof. It had changed again in the eight days since my surgery, but not sure why or how. Never the less I looked at it with a chip on my shoulder. My mind began to plan my defense with a crime report and pictures of the crime location.

          My useless left hand, Lefty,  slowly became tired and overworked. It was my only functioning hand. But Lefty took the challenge with zest and zeal, showing off its strength and coordination. Righty was too sick to notice its doppelganger, plus it was hidden from the world by bandages.  Lefty took this opportunity show Righty off. Now was Lefty's chance!
          Lefty also joined the refrigerator to conspire. Refrigerator aptly plotted and planned, outshining even Lefty with its cunning.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Traumatized Hand #3

From a right-handed mystery writer

The Surgery

          The day of surgery came fast. Since I wasn't allowed to eat past midnight, last night, I had no reason to interact with the evil refrigerator. I refused to give it a last moment of amusement.

          Surgery was set  for 8:30am, check in was 7:30am. I was put to sleep to the music of Hawaiian Slat Key Guitar music (my surgeon is from Hawaii). I woke up in recovery with what looked like a cast but was a full splint. My doctor came by to tell me that he found a second tear and he repaired it as well. That blasted refrigerator!
          It hurt, but with pain pills, I didn't seem to care. Bill did a great job caring for me and my wound. The refrigerator had no opportunity to mock me since it had no communication with me.
          So I have to admit I slept through most of the next 3 days blissfully on pain pills very aware of the huge splint that went from the first knuckle of my hand to the middle of my forearm. Heavily padded, the splint weighed a ton.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Traumatized hand #2

Traumatized hand  #2


From a right-handed mystery writer

The Tortuous Journey

          I was sent home with a full arm splint. The refrigerator continued to stand there rigid and silent even after it saw my condition!  Not a word or movement. It had changed, somehow, since I left for Urgent Care. Like it didn't care. It just went about its business.
          After two weeks of the silent treatment from my refrigerator, I got used to it. I realized something was wrong with the diagnosis of a sprained hand. So I checked around and found an Orthopedic Surgeon who specialized in hands and wrists in Culver City.
           It took two weeks to get an appointment because the doctor is so good. Another two weeks of not knowing what was wrong with my hand and facing the unrepentant refrigerator. I was tempted to call the police since it was acting so strange. It had to be guilty of plotting and instigating the attack.  But who would believe me?

          The doctor took one look at my hand and announced that I had torn the ligament off the bone between the first and second fingers of my right hand.  "This will require surgery,"  he proclaimed.  
          After getting my head wrapped around the idea of  "surgery", I scheduled an MRI with a consult the same day. Another week passed.
          The day before the MRI my doctor came down with the flu! Fortunately, the Physician Assistant was in and met with me to discuss the findings of the MRI and discussed surgery. We then scheduled surgery for...two weeks away. That makes it seven weeks since the incident. I'm sure the refrigerator is pleased with itself.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Traumatized hand #1


From a right-handed mystery writer
The Incident

Some of you may have heard that I have hurt my right hand February 14 in a vicious attack from my refrigerator. The alleged attack occurred while extending my hand into the refrigerator and talking to my significant other. The shelf intentionally stood rigid, and cold;  plotting the attack.
          In excruciating pain and after quickly covering my hand with ice packs I grabbed my coat and headed for the nearest  Urgent Care Center. All the while the refrigerator stood silently mocking me and my injury, enjoying the agony it has caused.

          Convinced the refrigerator had broken my hand the x-ray showed no broken bones. The doctor sent me home with a diagnosis of a sprained hand, and shoved a huge split on my arm, "Give it six weeks," he said..."at your age maybe 8 weeks".
          So, not only am I in pain, and angry at my refrigerator, I've been insulted as well.

          I sneered at my refrigerator when I got home.