Interesting things I found along the way-you never know.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Traumatized Hand Blog#13

From a right-handed mystery writer
TRIGGER THUMB Unbelievable!!

          Lefty was not feeling well at all, in fact, Lefty was hurting rather badly around my thumb. I called the doctor and said,  "Lefty is really sick!!" I made an appointment for 3 days, (on a cancellation).
          The doctor sat down, moved Lefty's thumb twice, causing excruciating pain and announced, "You have Trigger Thumb."

          Immediately I wanted to say, "But I haven't  shot anyone...well lately in my books." I was able to keep my mouth shut, (It wasn't easy). He went on to explain it in long and big words. In essence, it's like a trick knee in my thumb. But popping my thumb in place doesn't work.
          He gave me a Cortisone shot in my thumb which hurt worse than the original pain.
           "What causes Trigger Thumb?" I asked.
           He shrugged, "Don't know, but it's fairly common ."
          "Could it be from overworking Lefty since Righty has been out of commission for a while?"
          "Don't know," he replied."
          In the injection, he included Lidocaine for pain. So my thumb felt numb and prickly like it had a root canal.

          I could swear Refrigerator is smirking at me, all day long.  The cold, ridge, dark smirk that could get nasty.

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