Interesting things I found along the way-you never know.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Traumatized Hand Blog#13

From a right-handed mystery writer
TRIGGER THUMB Unbelievable!!

          Lefty was not feeling well at all, in fact, Lefty was hurting rather badly around my thumb. I called the doctor and said,  "Lefty is really sick!!" I made an appointment for 3 days, (on a cancellation).
          The doctor sat down, moved Lefty's thumb twice, causing excruciating pain and announced, "You have Trigger Thumb."

          Immediately I wanted to say, "But I haven't  shot anyone...well lately in my books." I was able to keep my mouth shut, (It wasn't easy). He went on to explain it in long and big words. In essence, it's like a trick knee in my thumb. But popping my thumb in place doesn't work.
          He gave me a Cortisone shot in my thumb which hurt worse than the original pain.
           "What causes Trigger Thumb?" I asked.
           He shrugged, "Don't know, but it's fairly common ."
          "Could it be from overworking Lefty since Righty has been out of commission for a while?"
          "Don't know," he replied."
          In the injection, he included Lidocaine for pain. So my thumb felt numb and prickly like it had a root canal.

          I could swear Refrigerator is smirking at me, all day long.  The cold, ridge, dark smirk that could get nasty.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Traumatized Hand Blog #12


From a right-handed mystery writer

New beginning
          My right hand is doing rather well! Typing now for 15 minutes at a stretch. My hand feels tired but no pain. I use an egg timer to be sure I don't go over the time allowed to type. I've begun our next Skylar Drake Murder Mystery, Game Town (temporary title).

          After several weeks of intense range of motion therapy, I can almost make a fist but only with little resistance (still no squeezing). I can do most chores around the house except for chopping foods and lifting heavy items, i.e. laundry hampers, grocery bags, etc.
           I've been busy with our new book, and working on my hand therapy, basically ignoring Refrigerator.  Lefty has been feeling ignored and looks for avenues to get my attention. Why Lefty actually felt pain in its thumb all week, maybe it's trying to get my attention... it worked. I used heat on Lefty's thumb and massaged it. Lefty seemed to feel better. At least Lefty isn't plotting with Refrigerator for some type of revenge. You just can't be too careful with these cold, rigid, aloof edifices like Refrigerator.  And I noticed it's been very quiet this week. Not sure what's up.
          After several weeks of intense range of motion therapy, I can almost make a fist but only with little resistance (still no squeezing). I can do most chores around the house except for chopping foods and lifting heavy items, i.e. laundry hampers, grocery bags, etc.

           I've been busy with our new book, and working on my hand therapy, basically ignoring Refrigerator.  Lefty has been feeling ignored and looks for avenues to get my attention. Why Lefty actually felt pain in its thumb all week, maybe it's trying to get my attention... it worked. I used heat on Lefty's thumb and massaged it. Lefty seemed to feel better. At least Lefty isn't plotting with Refrigerator for some type of revenge. You just can't be too careful with these cold, rigid, aloof edifices like Refrigerator.  And I noticed it's been very quiet this week. Not sure what's up.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Traumatized Hand #11

From a right-handed mystery writer
Continued Occupational Therapy

          I've been receiving OT for two weeks. Righty is feeling better with less pain and less swelling. Still unable to do many household chores but slowly getting a few things done i.e. folding clothes, washing dishes, sorting laundry, etc. I call them simple but necessary chores. I am able to type 15 minutes without fatigue and pain in my right hand.
          I work with my new OT twice a week including, warm paraffin wax soaks, juggling metal Chinese balls in one hand, putting pegs in a mat, and electrical stimulation with icing. It seems to be working
          My home program consists of alternating hot and ice water soaks, and specific range of motion exercises. Unfortunately, this home program takes up a lot of my day, but it's worth it for better use of my right hand.

          Lefty is getting tired of helping with most of the chores and has been indiscriminately talking with Refrigerator more often. I know this because Refrigerator occasionally disguises itself, but I know a cold-hearted job when I see one. I need to figure out a way of getting rid of Refrigerator before Lefty has swung to the other side and it's too late.
          I found some moldy green bread in the back of the refrigerator. I know it was Refrigerator's doing. Imagine ruining two innocent pieces of bread still in their lovely package!!